Saturday, May 3, 2008

Turning 40

Why is it so hard to turn 40? What is it about that age that makes it so hard to accept? After all it's just a number right? So why is it that it seems like our lives are over at 40? My friend Janna is turning 40 tomorrow and her sweet husband threw her a surprise party today. At the party she expressed how difficult this birthday was for her. I completely understood. After all I turned 40 last year and absolutely did not want to. Those of you who have turned 40 know exactly what I'm talking about. It's like a shock into reality. It was like life was passing me by and I'm not doing anything about it. So I decided to do something about it. I ran a triathlon. It cured me of this "I'm so old" attitude. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it -- that 40 means nothing. And it worked because while I was training I met women in their 60's and 70's who were or had trained for triathlons. There was one lady who was in her late 60's who was running the same triathlon I was and she blew me out of the water. She was amazing. So once you get over the initial shock with turning 40 you realize it's not so bad. Life does go on. Although, you may not have as much energy as you did when you were 30 and you may take a little longer to recover from injury or what have you. But life certainly isn't over. I went roller blading with my dogs this morning for goodness sakes. Life definately is not over.

Happy Birthday, Janna!!!!


Pam said...

I totally know what you are saying! I was really bummed at turning 40 but I am over it and I actually look at it as a new and better part of my life. I think that my 40's will be even better than my 30's. It is just a number, it really means nothing!

Kim said...

I just hope 40 doesn't disappoint! Aside from my plans in 8 years to look forward to, I've heard that life just gets better at 40 from lots of women who are way passed that.

MaryAnn said...

None of you look close to 40. Like you said age is a number and that's it. Live life the best you can and enjoy the ride.

Lori said...

I can TOTALLY relate! I was depressed the week of my 40th birthday and for about two months after. Luckily, I'm completely over it least I think I am.