Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Annoying People Part 2?

Every night I try to take the dogs out for a run. I usually try to rollerblade along side so that they can really run fast. Quite honestly, I'm not a very good rollerblader and because I'm not a very good rollerblader I get nervous when the dogs start going really fast. I have practically worn my brake down to a nub because of it. However, I manage to stay upright when the dogs are pulling me. Anyway, last night I rollerbladed with the dogs to the housing complex behind us. They have a dog park designated for residence there and I like to sneak in and let the dogs run around. Usually there isn't anybody else there so it makes for a nice quiet time alone. However, last night a nice young girl came by with her dog. She came to the gate and asked if my dogs were friendly. I said "yes" and she proceeded to open the gate. Most dog owners know that dogs like to sniff each other at their first encounter. And as expected my dogs went to the gate eager to sniff their new friend. HOWEVER, apparently this young girl didn't know this and opened the gate ALL THE WAY. I'm sitting there with my rollerblades on watching this whole thing as if it were happening in slow motion. Of course, my dogs saw their chance to escape and did. So I began running across the grass in my rollerblades and attempted running up the stairs and rolled out onto the street. The girl not knowing what to do stands there a moment then went after the dogs. I was, of course, greatful. But that soon passed when I realized that the dogs just kept running down the street. At this point the girl and her dog disappeared. Again, because I'm not a very good rollerblader I'm rolling down the street swaying back and forth so as not to fall. Yes. It was humiliating. Nonetheless, I managed to catch up with the dogs and did capture them. But I had to take off one skate to walk/roll back to the dog park because in my haste to get to my dogs I left their leashes behind and had to hold onto their collars. As you can imagine I am NOT happy at this point. Nonetheless, on the way back to the dog park the girl who caused the whole mess shows up apologizing up and down. I have to admit she was really nice about it, but I was too upset to acknowledge that and just muttered that it was ok and went on my way. After I got the leashes we went home. Needless to say, I was really annoyed. Yet, the girl was so nice that it made it difficult to be completely annoyed. Which annoyed me even more because I really wanted to be annoyed more than I was. After all I had every right to be, right? At least, this time I refrained from any bad words.


Liz Rose said...

See--its a good thing we went to TOFW--Mary Ellen Edmunds and her positive, Peacemaker, talk has paid off for you!! :) I love it!! And no bad words either--awesome!! :) You are a fun blog to read!

Suzanne said...

Oh boy, that was quite the funny story. I can picture you with only one rollerblade being tugged by the dogs.

Maybe you can start wearing Heeleys? Haha, just kidding.

Kim said...

I like the idea of Heeleys. You could even wear them when you're not walking the fun places like church:)

Pam said...

Peacemaker! Peacemaker? Peacemaker! That has been going through my mind all week but that is about as far as I have gotten. I haven't quite acted as one but at least I am thinking about it. Sounds like you are acting upon it. Good for you! Oh and I wish we had a picture!

Kaye said...

I am so glad someone else gets as annoyed as I do!