Thursday, February 12, 2009


Honestly, I don't get it. I just started my facebook account and everytime I get on there I'm confused. I just don't get it. What exactly is it for? Does anyone really care what I'm doing right at that particular moment? And what if what I'm doing is inappropriate for anyone to know about? And what is the proper ettiquette? Do I have to let everyone I know (but aren't necessarily "friends") into my facebook world? And if I don't let them in wouldn't that be rude? .......totally don't get it. I totally feel angst when I get on there. Help!!!!!


Brenda said...

Me too. I don't get it either. I am hoping it will make sense to someone I know and they can explain it to me. So far it just seems superficial.

Jo said...

Thank You!!!!

MaryAnn said...

I have been fighting it myself. I think it's good for finding friends you want to catch up with. I'm just trying to get family and friends so I can get them to come to our blog. I don't have time to facebook all day. I could see teens and college students having fun with it, but I am past both of those stages.

Suzanne said...

That's why I love blogs.

Lori said...

I totally agree. I joined facebook so I could keep track of my kids facebook stuff, and now I have these "friends" who I think should be called "People I know" or "Acquaintances" not always "friends." Is that rude? And I don't really care what some of these people are doing every hour. Facebook is stupid.

McB's said...

that's why i don't update my status cuz it seems dumb but it actually is interesting to see what people are doing :) i triple dog dare you to put that you are haveing sex at the moment and see what kind of responses you get, LOL.

Jo said...

Lisa! I was totally going to do that 'cuz I think it's so stupid. And just 'cuz you said that I'm going to put that and I want you to comment on my status, k? hahahahaha!!!!!

Shand and Bry said...

Yeah, I haven't quite figured it out yet either. Let me know if and when you get it. :)