Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Life is a funny thing. It can be going really well for a long time and then BAM! For what seems like no reason the carpet is pulled out from underneath you and it seems like your life has changed for the worse. Usually these are things completely out of your control and you have no choice but to rely on the Lord and hope for the best. This has happened so much to me in my life that I don't even ask why any more. It just is and there isn't any other way to go but forward. But, I trust God. I just don't get why it has to be so painful.

I gave a Relief Society lesson on Sunday and we talked about how God some times tests us for no other reason than to try our faith. A lot of times, however, these same trials are meant to prepare us for the next great thing to come. I truly believe this. I figure my trials are to prepare me for what's in store for my children. I know they're meant for a great work in this life. I suppose I need to get my act more completely together in order to serve them adequately.

I had to chuckle a little when I was reading the Visiting Teaching message this month too. It's about standing strong and immovable in faith. I thought, "how appropriate." My favorite quote from the message is by Richard G. Scott: "You cannot today remotely imagine what that decision to be unwaveringly obedient to the Lord will allow you to accomplish in life. Your quiet uncompromising determination to live a righteous life will couple you to inspiration and power beyond your capacity now to understand." Let me just say that I count on that.

1 comment:

julianna said...

you are not alone, my dear. please let me know what i can do to help. i love you, jo!