It wasn't so bad. Robert woke up early, got dressed, did his hair and was ready to go by 6:30 AM! Crazy kid. Of course, I wasn't even near ready, but managed to roll out of bed by 7 and get a few things done like get dress, make the beds and eat breakfast (Robert, of course, had already eaten breakfast). We did manage to get in scripture study before leaving by 8. So all and all the first day of having a schedule went pretty good.
We stopped by the office to pick up Mike so he could be a part of this momentus occasion and headed off to school. Robert was too pre-occupied to think about anything else. He didn't want to talk about anything because he was too jacked up to get to school.
Once we got there we headed straight to class and he immediately sat down with a group of boys who were playing some kind of flashcard game. My son. Not a shy bone in his body. We were able to snap a couple of pics before he shooed me off. But then that was that. I was expecting a little more emotion, but nothing. He just couldn't wait to get me out of there. I did manage to sneak in a kiss and a "Remember who you are" but I don't think he noticed any of it. Although, his eagerness certainly did make the transition go easier so it wasn't as hard as I expected. However, I have to say that it sure is quiet around here without him.

Jo my dear I can't believe it holy cow he's growing up to fast! Make it stop.....he's so cute sitting at his desk all proud...I see him being all seriouse on the way to school....to funny that kid cracks me up!....and your wall you pour thing I hope it comes out....get that magic eraser...Mr. Clean makes it! That thing gets anything off of walls.
Yeah for Kindergarten!!! How is Carly dealing with him being gone? Sean follows me around like a puppy!!!
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