Monday, May 11, 2009

What Is A Peacemaker?

Okay. So I gave the lesson on being a peacemaker in Relief Society yesterday and I'm still confused....

I know what a peacemaker is: someone who helps others be happy instead of angry (blah blah blah). That goes without saying, but what if something needs to be said or something needs to be made right and others don't like it? I mean take the Prop 8 situation, for instance. That certainly didn't create peace in our community or our country for that matter. In fact, it created quite the opposite. Allbeit, we weren't the one's screaming obsenities at passersby, but we were the one's who stood up and said, "Absolutely not." and that did not create peace.

So it goes in our daily lives... or at least mine. I'm not a mean or rude person. At least, I don't think so. I know there are those who would beg to differ, but honestly, my heart is in the right place. I have come to terms with my "honesty" and rather like it. And this is where the confusion lies: Is a person considered not a peacemaker because one is honest and forthright? Being forthright and honest can sometimes cause contention. Also, sometimes we must stand up for what's right and not back down. And that almost always causes contention. How can we go through this life -- this life where we have to fight (literally fight) for truth and righteousness -- without causing a degree of contention?

And how about in our marriages? I mean seriously. Sometimes, it's a fight that creates peace. I mean, honestly a fight can bring out truth and the truth creates understanding which in turn creates peace. But that fight had to happen before there was understanding and peace.

So, this is why my lesson was so hard for me yesterday. I am not a peacemaker. I have peace. But I'm not a peacemaker. Sometimes I am. But not always. And sometimes I feel (and am even prompted) to speak up -- to say the thing that is sometimes the hardest to say -- the truth. And here's a truth I must say now .... I hated that lesson!


Lori said...

Now I'm confused, too.

MaryAnn said...

I totally agree. The balance between making peace and standing for what is right is tricky. I guess if we are doing what we are prompted to do then we are living in peace with the spirit. That should count for something! Now I have a lot to think about. Sorry I missed the lesson, but I am so glad you posted about it. Something interesting to ponder. . .

Hannah said...

Woah i was never confused about it until now! But i've always loved how you're not afraid to voice your opinion so i don't think its a bad think necessarily!