Monday, April 28, 2008

Annoying People

So I'm at Robert's karate class and as I'm backing out of my parking spot I notice a man passing behind me in his car. I have one of those back up cameras where you can see behind you without turning around (which isn't always a good thing). So I'm waiting looking at the screen waiting for the idiot to pass. I waited and waited talking to my daughter at the same time - not in a big hurry at all. When he didn't pass I SLOWLY started to back out. I thought that perhaps he was waiting for someone. At this point I didn't think he was an idiot. However, as I began backing out I turn to look behind me and the jerk is throwing up his hand at me like I'm in the wrong. At this point I had noticed two things about the guy 1) he's on his cell using his other hand holding it to his ear and 2) he was driving a mercedes convertable. I immediately began judging him: He's one of THOSE. Well, I wasn't impressed so I said "What?? Jackass." (Maybe this is why I'm being released from my calling). He looked right back at me and throws up his hand like "What's up?" and yapping on his phone. No doubt he's yapping about me having just about backed into him. Thank goodness for my daughter being in the car (although that didn't stop the bad words)because instead of just sitting there to tick him off more I pulled forward to let him pass. And you know, the idiot still didn't pass. So I proceeded to back up again and this time he waved me on. I looked back to see if he just wanted my spot, but nope he didn't. He was just a jackass. Again I judge....I hate annoying people. At least that one.

I have more to write about today, but I'm pooped. We had a big day. I got so much done and we were able to get to the pool too! Pics to come. What's up with the weather, by the way. It's sooo hot. Until next time....


Robbie said...

The reason this is so funny to me is because I totally see you saying all of it!

Kim said...

Oh my gosh, I can so relate! We were coming home from the Staples Center a few weeks ago and we were making a left from Figueroa to get on the 110 where there were 2 left turn lanes. This a-hole decided that he didn't need to be in a turn lane and tried to cut Jeff off. When he didn't let him, this guy starts flipping us off and yelling at us. I was tempted to call and report a "drunk driver"...that would have slowed him down. It still bugs me that I didn't.

Jo said...

I was so worried that I would be judged harshly for this post. I'm so thankful for my good friends who know me so well. You guys are the best.

Pam said...

Isn't that frustrating? Believe me, when I drive I swear everybody else on the road are idiots! That is my favorite name for all those lame people. Nice, huh?

maria said...

you hot head. What kind of mother are you to talk like that in front of your kids?


McB's said...

I'm sure my daughter will also yell at people while driving since I drive on the road with all kinds of idiots also! I can't believe that guy, I would have had a hard time keeping my window up and my mouth shut!